Friday, January 20, 2017

Samsung phones will adopt Android or Tizen 2013

Samsung phones will adopt Android or Tizen 2013

Samsung phones will adopt Android or Tizen? 2013
Samsung . phones will . adopt Android or Tizen .? 2013

Samsung phones will adopt Android or Tizen? 2014

Samsung phones will adopt Android or Tizen? 2013
Samsung . was . one . of the . first . hosted . platform . Android . because  .they need an
operating  system  operating  system  OS respected  in order to  operate  devices  phones  phones , it contains  Android  everything  you need  Samsung : Steps  accelerated  in the development being made by  Google , interactive  environment  thriving ,  freedom  of adjustment  system

It was  clearly visible that Samsung has  developed an action  plan to  move to  the next level with the increase in market share, has  realized that  with the rush  of many companies to produce Android phones,  it must have to  distinguish themselves from the rest of those companies, and they need to be brand new  from the  crowd and  throws up  at the summit.

In order to  achieve this goal the  Samsung making  Android phone , made from a  unique, although it is just another  Android phone  like any  other, which  manufactured  by other  companies, it has continued to add  new  features to him to  make it unique from the rest  of the Android  phone, while other companies  continued to in  combatting  iPhone  without avail. And  took advantage of the new advertising and  marketing to the  fullest extent  possible so excelled  themselves, and  reaped the fruits of that it has  become a selling  Android phones  more than  all other  manufacturers combined. The biggest proof  of that  commotion  caused by the  launch of the Galaxy  S4 in New  Yor k, which usually  cannot be  generated only  Apple products . Observed in  the launch event that no one was talking about Android, which is  the heart of the matter , but everyone was talking about Samsung and Samsung only .

Limit the control of Samsung arrived on  Android to  the  point  where they can be controlled on his fate, perhaps, even Google can not have to  bear the consequences of that Samsung abandon Android, if it happened would mean  the collapse  of the entire  system Android.

The new platform for  Samsung will  continue to rely on  Android, but will not recognize it, it will be marketed on  the basis  that their own operating system. Samsung phones will continue to contain the Games  Google, but will  not be publicized.

The secret  behind all  that Samsung has followed  the example  of Apple,  understanding the only dominate the entire production  line of phones that  they produce , Here  Tsanaan the all the pieces and thus  control everything  from start to finish.

Another  thing is the Tizen operating  system to which all aspire  that the  likely alternative to Android, but  what are the reasons  for Samsung  that makes yo u think about it? The first  reason may be  that they want to use scarecrow  misled over its competitors  and to cover  up the plans and destination  of the  truth in the market , and the second  reason they  Rima want to  launch a new phone this year  using Tizen , an experience of the  company that owns its  platform for, and so they are preparing  the necessary  infrastructure  to launch its  platform for  cell phones Samsung .

May not liking  the idea of ??changing  the Android  for many  of the  critics and lovers  of Android, but Samsung had learned an  important lesson from  Apple that do  not listen to the  elites, but to listen to hundreds of millions  of consumers who  are the only ones to them the  most correct opinion.

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