Thursday, March 23, 2017





Hi my name is Suleiman Jumare I am here to give you the simplest way of learning HTML language, what ever you are doing as a blogger without a HTML you are nobody although there is some things that Do not require knowledge of HTML but its strongly advisible as a blogger to know HTML, even thought you know HTML there is many you have to know about, but the most important language for bloggers is HTML and CSS, but know we are going to take step by step on how to learn HTML in Simple Way.
Now what is HTML? becouse some they may not know What word HTMLs means

WHAT IS HTML?. Definition

What is HTML?

HTML is a markup language for describing web documents (web pages).
  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
  • A markup language is a set of markup tags
  • HTML documents are described by HTML tags
  • Each HTML tag describes different document content
Now let us start with a basic samples, Note: The Tutorials of HTML is deal with codes or tags, let me be
clear to you these tags or codes are the keys of your tuto becouse you most copy them in your memory
i mean your head memory, finals if you get them inside you you done with HTML.
Lets begging;

Goto the Google in your browser and type Notepad++ click on the first link to download the notepad++, if you have one fine you are good to go, or click here to download it from our website.
the resoan of using Notepad++ for HTML is that The notepad++ is the best and easy HTML tools,
Now install the Notepad++ in your Computer And Run it.

Here are the Tags Use in HTML Tutorials:

    The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines this document to be HTML5
    The text between <html> and </html> describes an HTML document
    The text between <head> and </head> provides information about the document
    The text between <title> and </title> provides a title for the document
    The text between <body> and </body> describes the visible page content
    The text between <h1> and </h1> describes a heading
    The text between <p> and </p> describes a paragraph

Lool at the Example 1


 Now Run your Notepad++ and clear everything or click on left side of your windows; File/New.
then type <!DOCTYPE html> press Enter then <html>  which is your opening tag then  </html> which is your closing tag now you are telling your browser that here is your starting point and the end point, the between <html></html> you need a header which is <head></head> then after header you need title which is show in the above image <title></title> Remember anything between <title> here is your title of your website</title> then after title you need a body which is <body></body> which means the body of your website, content area. after body then header again which is <h1></h1> that is your first header the second header is smaller than first header that is how its, and the header inside a body are 6 which means h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6. now do not get confuse we are moving gradually. Then you need paragraph which is <p></p>
use Google Chrome to view

The purpose of a web browser (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari) is to read HTML documents and display them.
The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses them to determine how to display the document:

HTML Page Structure
Below is a visualization of an HTML page structure:

and then broken line which is <br /> but this is commonly if you want tell your browser that you want this line to brake so you will insert the tag at the point you want break. Example

"he is my boy friend and i like him so much." so now you want it to look like this,

"he is my boy friend
and i like him so much".

So all you have to do is to insert the tag like this  "he is my boy friend <br /> and i like him so much"

Then if you want save the HTML  do not just save, all you have to do is to click file/save as/ save as
 "hyper text markup language file (html,htm,shatml,...............) then click on your save file to view it in your browser. that is the beginning of our topic

Thanks we are continue at were we stop in our next HTMLs Tutorial

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Available link for download

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