How do I get the eggs?
Eggs are one of the rewards you get for visiting Pokestops and are one of the best objects for leveling up your Pokémon trainer.Getting them is simple: get close to a Pokestop, tap on the symbol when you are close enough to it and then spin the symbol until you get all of the rewards. Doing this will normally get you Pokeballs and incense, but if youre lucky youll also get eggs.

How do I use the eggs?
The first thing you have to do is tap on the Pokeball at the bottom of your screen, open the list of and then swipe right to find your eggs.To start the incubation process, all you have to do is tap on the egg. After that you have to walk a certain distance (the distance needed is shown below the egg) to make the egg hatches
To do all of this, the app must be open (so be sure to charge your phone) and above all you cannot cheat. Dont even think about driving or taking a bus to avoid walking. The good thing is that you dont have to walk this distance all at once, so you can do it over several plays and even on different days.
How much do I need to walk for each egg?
Over a mile is the minimum distance per egg and it will take you around half an hour to do it at a moderate pace. The next Pokémon egg category will require about three miles of walking and takes between 45 minutes and an hour to do.The best Pokémon eggs require roughly 6 miles of walking for incubation and at least 2 hours to do. So keep your battery fully charged and consider even carrying around some portable batteries for your phone.
The big question: what kind of Pokémon will I get?
As you can imagine, depending on the distance you walk, the Pokémon youll encounter will be more and more rare. So if an egg requires you to walk 10 kilometers, you can expect to have a very rare Pokémon. Heres a complete list of the Pokémon you can get according to the distance you walk.Walking over a mile on Pokémon Go
| 001 BulbasaurType: Grass / Poison Evolves into: Ivysaur |
| #004 CharmanderType: Fire Evolves into: Charmeleon |
| #007 SquirtleType: Water Evolves into: Wartortle |
| #010 CaterpieType: Bug Evolves into: Metapod |
| #013 WeedleType: Bug / Poison Evolves into: Kakuna |
| #016 PidgeyType: Normal / Flying Evolves into: Pidgeotto |
| #019 RattataType: Normal Evolves into: Raticate |
| #021 SpearowType: Normal / Flying Evolves into: Fearow |
| #025 PikachuType: Electric Evolves into: Raichu |
| #035 ClefairyType: Fairy Evolves into: Clefable |
| #039 JigglypuffType: Normal / Fairy Evolves into: Wigglytuff |
| #041 ZubatType: Poison / Flying Evolves into: Golbat |
| #074 GeodudeType: Rock / Ground Evolves into: Graveler |
| #129 MagikarpType: Water Evolves into: Gyarados |
Walking about 3 miles on Pokémon Go
| #023 EkansType: Poison Evolves into: Arbok |
| #027 SandshrewType: Ground Evolves into: Sandslash |
| #029 Nidoran FType: Poison Evolves into: Nidorina |
| #032 Nidoran MType: Poison Evolves into: Nidorino |
| #037 VulpixType: Fire Evolves into: Ninetales |
| #043 OddishType: Grass / Poison Evolves into: Gloom |
| #046 ParasType: Bug / Grass Evolves into: Parasect |
| #048 VenonatType: Bug / Poison Evolves into: Venomoth |
| #050 DiglettType: Ground Evolves into: Dugtrio |
| #052 MeowthType: Normal Evolves into: Persian |
| #054 PsyduckType: Water Evolves into: Golduck |
| #056 MankeyType: Fighter Evolves into: Primeape |
| #058 GrowlitheType: Fire Evolves into: Arcanine |
| #060 PoliwagType: Water Evolves into: Poliwhirl |
| #063 AbraType: Psychic Evolves into: Kadabra |
| #066 MachopType: Fighter Evolves into: Machoke |
| #069 BellsproutType: Grass / Poison Evolves into: Weepinbell |
| #072 TentacoolType: Water / Poison Evolves into: Tentacruel |
| #077 PonytaType: Fire Evolves into: Rapidash |
#079 SlowpokeType: Water / Psychic Evolves into: Slowbro | |
| #081 MagnemiteType: Lightning / Steel Evolves into: Magneton |
| #083 FarfetchdType: Normal / Flying |
| #084 DoduoType: Normal / Flying Evolves into: Dodrio |
| #086 SeelType: Water Evolves into: Dewgong |
| #088 GrimerType: Poison Evolves into: Muk |
| #090 ShellderType: Water Evolves into: Cloyster |
| #092 GastlyType: Ghost / Poison Evolves into: Haunter |
| #096 DrowzeeType: Psychic Evolves into: Hypno |
| #098 KrabbyType: Water Evolves to: Kingler |
| #100 VoltorbType: Lightning Evolves to: Electrode |
| #102 ExeggcuteType: Grass / Psychic Evolves to: Exeggutor |
| #104 CuboneType: Ground Evolves to: Marowak |
| #108 LickitungType: Normal |
| #109 KoffingType: Poison Evolves to: Weezing |
| #111 RhyhornType: Ground / Rock Evolves to: Rhydon |
| #114 TangelaType: Grass |
| #115 KangaskhanType: Normal |
| #116 HorseaType: Water Evolves to: Seadra |
| #118 GoldeenType: Water Evolves to: Seaking |
| #120 StaryuType: Water Evolves to: Starmie |
| #128 TaurosType: Normal |
| #137 PorygonType: Normal |
Walking 6 miles or above on Pokémon Go
| #095 OnixType: Rock / Ground |
| #106 HitmonleeType: Fighter |
| #107 HitmonchanType: Fighter |
| #113 ChanseyType: Normal |
| #122 Mr. MimeType: Psychic / Fairy |
| #123 ScytherType: Bug / Flying |
| #124 JynxType: Ice / Psychic |
| #125 ElectabuzzType: Lightning |
| #126 MagmarType: Fire |
| #127 PinsirType: Bug |
| #131 LaprasType: Water / Ice |
| #133 EeveeType: Normal Evolves to: Vaporeon, Jolteon, o Flareon |
| #138 OmanyteType: Rock / Water Evolves to: Omastar |
| #140 KabutoType: Rock / Water Evolves to: Kabutops |
| #142 AerodactylType: Rock / Flying |
| #143 SnorlaxType: Normal |
| #147 DratiniType: Dragon Evolves to: Dragonair |
Remember that you should always be aware of your surroundings while playing Pokémon GO. Also keep in mind that this game depletes your battery pretty quickly, so you may want to carry some extra batteries with you when youre out and about.