Monday, March 27, 2017



Most Android smartphones now offer a manual (or pro) mode for the camera. It allows you to take control of more settings than the automatic mode and, under certain circumstances, to make more beautiful photos since it is you who configure all the parameters of the shooting. And the good news is that you do not need to have monstrous knowledge to master it.


Why use manual mode?

Most users still content with the automatic mode to take pictures with their smartphone . All the parameters are already preset according to the conditions of ambient brightness and most of the time, it does the trick. But since our Android smartphones have become camera phones , the sensors found on the back are not just there to make the deal, they can also help us achieve great pictures. You still have to know how to use them.

By switching to the manual mode, you will then take control of all the settings authorized by your manufacturer (we will return to this point later) and you control all the parameters of your image, which allows you to exceed the limits Of the automatic mode.

Control the exposure yourself

Before triggering the shooting, the photo sensor on your smartphone will first calculate the ambient brightness. From there, it will decide whether to trigger the flash (if it is set to automatic mode) but will also decide to lower or increase the brightness of your shot. In automatic mode, most smartphones still tend to overexpose photos.
In low light, it can help get a better result but in full sun, it sometimes gives the effect of a burned photo or whites appear too white. It is therefore best to regulate the exhibition yourself.On the latest Samsung Galaxy, its very easy to do, just slide your finger up or down, on other smartphones, it will open a small menu and select + or -.
Attention to flash
As on a "real" camera, the flash that is found on our smartphones is very convenient since it allows to bring additional light on the photos taken in low light. Most of the time, it is set to automatic mode and therefore triggers only when the sensor decides that the brightness is too low. By night, it remains essential but, it can happen that your smartphone triggers it also in daylight, especially indoors.
In these conditions, as much, it can prove useful, as much it can literally spoil your photo by generating too much exposure and producing colors that will lack natural. If you have any doubt, the best is still to try with and without. But you will see that most of the time, the photo without flash will be the most successful.

ISO sensitivity, do not overdo it!

Most Android smartphones now offer an excellent ISO sensitivity. But again, in automatic mode, the sensor tends to overestimate the needs of your photo, sometimes opting for an ISO sensitivity too strong. However, in an enlightened environment, it is not necessary to climb above 200 ISO, a value from which noise is likely to appear on the photographs, making them less sharp.
If you really have a good light, the best is still to go down to 50 ISO, if your smartphone allows it, if not 100 ISO, your picture will only be sharper.

Choose the right white balance

The white balance (indicated by WB) is calculated automatically by your smartphone. Based on ambient light, the sensor adjusts the colors of the photo to make it as close as possible to reality, but again, depending on the lighting conditions, the sensor has its limits. Fortunately, it is possible to set it manually.
This setting can sometimes seem complex in that it is to be redone every time the light conditions vary but it can nevertheless change everything to the final result.

The shutter speed

More and more smartphones now allow manual controls of the Google Camera2 API, you can adjust the shutter speed, in other words, the period of time during which the shutter will let light into the sensor . As you can see, on the photos taken in full sun, this time is very short and at night it is longer since the light needs more time to cross the sensor.